I learned so much on my knitting journey this year. I made lots of new friends, began test knitting, and even released my own designs. I can only hope for continued luck and success in 2014. Now, let's relive some of finer moments of 2013...

As most of you know, I love Instagram. A lot. I post most of my FOs there as well as snippets from my everyday life. These were my top moments this year.

Or maybe you remember when I was featured on the Ravelry homepage (this one still blows my mind)? I knit my daughter and I matching tops - hers is Goldilocks and mine is Alice in Wonderland, which somehow got the attention of Christina and ended up being featured for the Matching Families Community Eye Candy.

In no special order, here are some of my other favorite projects from this year:

You can see the rest of my 2013 projects (all 65 of them) here. Looking back, it was a fantastic year full of lots of FOs! I was more than a little surprised to count up 65 of them! Thank you for taking this journey with me - I'm looking forward to spending 2014 with you too.

One Comment

  1. It has been quite a year! Congratulations! Happy 2014!


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